A ketogenic diet has numerous risks. Top of the list: it’s high in saturated fat. It is recommended that keeping saturated fat at no more than 7% of your daily calories due to the link to heart disease. And in fact, the keto diet is associated with an increase in “bad” LDL cholesterol, which is also linked to heart disease.

This eating pattern is not recommended for people with:

– Pancreatic disease
– Liver conditions
– Thyroid problems
– Eating disorders or a history of eating disorders
– Gallbladder disease or those whose gallbladder has been removed

Additionally, there are both short and long-term health risks for all people associated with the keto diet. Short-term health risks include flu-like symptoms. For example, stomach pain, headache, fatigue, and dizziness. This is called “keto flu”. Some people also report trouble sleeping. Cutting down on high-fiber vegetables, fruits, and whole grains can also increase your risk of constipation. Often keto dieters need to take a fiber supplement to maintain regularity, but this should be discussed with a doctor.

Risks of Ketogenic Diet

The long-term health risks of the keto diet include kidney stones, liver disease, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. To limit carbohydrates, many nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits are eliminated. Therefore, the intakes of vitamin A, C, K, and folate are generally low.

The high-fat nature of the keto diet is highly controversial. A sizable body of research has shown that diets high in saturated fat can increase the risk of heart disease and other chronic health problems. The risk that people on a keto diet might run with regards to their long-term cardiovascular health has not been fully studied.

ALSO READ:  5 Myths About the Ketogenic Diet

Watch Video: Is the keto diet safe?

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